Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Last June

Last June, (2009)...Ed was into his sixth month of treatment for brain cancer. On June 3rd, he had his first treatment with the drug Avastin and Irinotrecan. His blood work had come back good, his blood pressure normal, and he weighed 184 lbs. He was beginning to get over some of the side effects of radiation, and he was actually gaining some strength back, his hair was growing back, and all in all he just looked 'good'.

The month before he had received the news that the treatment of Temodar was not working; his tumor had grown. Notes from his treatment book indicates Dr. Splichal (oncologist) had told him he could start treatment on this drug which had been used for bladder and colon cancer...but had just been approved for GBMs. 

It seemed such a miracle, that Ed could received this drug because a) it had JUST been approved for GBM patients the month before, b) the drug manufacturer agreed to let Ed have the drug at reduced or no cost due to his not having insurance or private funding. 

Father's Day came. We all laughed and hugged and made merry. The future seemed to hold some promise. Looking back, you can reflect that it did hold promise...not of a cure. But of prolonging the life of a man who so wanted to live. 

                                                Edward and son Edward (Bo) in June, 2009.