Sunday, January 4, 2009

Four Long Days

Ed spent four long days and five nights in the hospital that first trip there. He was treated full on as if he'd had a heart attack, or at least as if he had an irregular heart beat. They catheterized his heart and did exploratory with the intent to cauterize some over grown vessels that would interrupt the normal electrical impulses of the heart. But they found no over grown vessels.

The third night of his stay at the hospital, it was learned that my uncle Larry was hospitalized and would be having quadruple by-pass surgery the following day. Larry is my mama's youngest brother and at 64 he has a lot of heart problems. He and Ed are very close. At first we decided to keep one's ailments from the other, but that didn't work well. It was just too hard to keep secrets. Both were upset by the other being ill.

Ed spent Tuesday, November 11, through Saturday, November 15 at Athens Regional Medical Center. Everyone there is helpful, nice, accommodating, and thoughtful. The nights my mom and brother stayed all night at the hospital they helped fix the pop-out chair for a bed, gathered pillows and blankets, and offered moral support. We couldn't be more pleased with how well Ed and ourselves were treated.

Ed was glad to get to home on Saturday. As stated in the previous post, he was sent home with a heart monitor and instructions to follow up with a cardiologist. We really thought all would be well. We had Larry to worry about now. He had had quadruple bypass heart surgery. He was doing well, but was in a lot of pain.

We really thought Ed was in the clear for the most part.

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