Half is a good word.
Today Ed got the results of the MRI done of his brain last week. Dr. Splichal waltzed in assuming we had already received news from Dr. Walpert (the neurosurgeon). We had not. So he started out with..."Well, the tumor is now HALF the size it was at the time of the last MRI (May, 2009)".
I started clapping. B2 looked relieved. Ed was smiling so big it nearly cut his face in HALF!
He stated that back in May, the MRI showed that the tumor was so big that it had shoved portions of the brain that belonged on the left side of the skull over in the right side of the skull. Also, at that time, there was alot of edema (swelling). Now, with the reduction of the tumor, the left HALF of the brain was in the left HALF of the skull, where it belonged. The mid-line of the brain was centered in the skull again. Also, there is very little edema.
Because the edema (swelling) is reduced so much, Dr. S said he is reducing his steroid dosage to HALF what he is currently taking.
His blood work came back showing his blood is a little thin...the warfarin (generic for Coumadin) is working quite well, a little too well. So he wants Ed to take the normal dosage on even days, and HALF the dosage on odd days. (or vice-a-verse).
Ed had lost one pound. This is a good thing.
His blood pressure was good.
Ed did give me a look when I told Dr. S about a 'sore spot' in his groin area. I had to leave the room while Dr. S took a look...and I got 'that look' from Ed again when I came back in the room. He told me later that Dr. S had put a rubber glove on one hand to have a look-see. Hmmm...alot of looking going on. Ed said he would pay me back for that one. (He doesn't like anyone looking at his private area I take it!)
Ed's chemo took about HALF the time it took the first treatment he received. We believe because he now gets the nausea drug as an injection into the line instead of having it drip into the line.
Everyone is so glad to hear Ed's good news. I called Mama, who laughed and cried. She called several people and I called and texted others. What do we contribute this wonderful news to? First of all, to God. God listens to prayers. Ed reads a 'healing' scripture from the Bible everyday. I know God likes that. Also, he eats asparagus everyday. My husband not only believes in prayer, he believes in using the brain God gave you and he tells Ed eating asparagus helps heal cancer. Also, Ed has a 'not giving up' spirit. You have to count Mama taking good care of him into the equation too. And of course, the miracle drugs he is taking. Avastin is really making the news these days for helping reduce cancer tumors and giving people more time on this earth. Ed has a lot of people who love him and help him day to day. All these things I think are helping him fight this cancer.
I went back to work after our trip to the doctor. I have already made up HALF my time from going in to work an hour early the past few days. Even if I didn't, I wouldn't have missed this doctor visit. It was a good one.
Thanks to everyone who has prayed for Ed's healing! I hope your week is going at least HALF as well as mine!
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