Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gone...But Not Forgotten.

Just a note to let readers know, Ed is gone, but he is NOT forgotten. Future posts are coming to this Blog...soon coming are some notes on why I think Ed was an amazing man.

For now, I am still getting adjusted to not having him here. My mom is slowing adjusting and that helps the rest of us adjust.

I am in the 'thinking' process of writing letters to his doctors and nurses, and drug manufacturers, all who provided tremendous care and drugs in Ed's journey with brain cancer.

So, just because Ed is gone, doesn't mean this is the end of this blog. It is just a pause.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to find out the news about Ed. I had not checked your blog in a few months, but something told me--I had a sad feeling. He brought courage and inspiration to a lot of people. Your blog showed his persistance and determination--May God watch over you and your family and grant you healing and peace.
