Wednesday, November 7, 2012

On the Brighter Side...

My brother found some pictures on his camera that he hadn't looked at or downloaded before. We had fun looking at the pics! I hope he doesn't mind me sharing some of these!

That's me! I got caught in the kitchen. Christmas 2008.

Ed and Bo - Close up!

Ed and my Uncle Larry. My mama's brother.

Ed and my Momma.

Siblings...Judy, Mert, Kathleen (mama) and Larry.

Terry and Bo - another close up! LOL!

The night before Amber and Chris' wedding - I missed out on this fun!

My family at Amber and Chris' wedding.

The photographer said tell your daughter a secret...hmmmmm. Must have been funny!

And brother's cat, Jack. He got his tail caught in the door and he had to have it amputated by a few inches. He had to wear a cone so he wouldn't amputate it further!

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